Graduation Speeches #1

On an annual basis, it is my privilege to speak to the graduating class at Bel-Rea.  I thought I should probably put them up to have them available to myself and students who graduated, or anyone interested, really.

Graduation speech by Erik Fausak for the graduating class of Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology, September, 2012:

“Primum non nocere”. These are the indelible words in my memory from my internship at Alameda East Veterinary Hospital. I remember standing at the scrub sink, terrified I wouldn't glove the surgeon, Dr. Taylor, correctly, or not hold the limb straight enough, or pass out from the heat of the radiology gown, laden in lead, that I had to wear under my surgical gown. As I worried about these things, I remember seeing those words in thick block print on a stark white background, above the scrub sink. To ease my mind, I applied my medical terminology and remedial latin to those words. I knew Primum, like prime, was first. I knew “non means no”. Nocere....I knew noci meant pain, like nociception – the perception of pain. So I deduced, “first no pain”, not to bad for a neophyte and what I didn't realize was that those words are at the heart of all medicine. “First no harm” is a part of our oath as well.
I have had an extremely successful career in veterinary technology, and it all started here at Bel-Rea. As a graduate, you will be given a number of opportunities and directions you go in. My advice to you, is take those opportunities. Just as you have probably already intimated, life is never what you expect or plan. You can either resist it or move with it. I think those that move with it are the happiest. Despite your intention with this degree, keep an open mind to the possibilities around you. Every day I'm in this field I see new niches arising. Besides an open mind, my other best piece of advice is to always volunteer for a duty or task. Even if it seems scary, especially if it seems scary. These is how you find your opportunity. In my day, I was among 40 interns at one hospital. I was offered a job because if there was need, I took the anesthesia or would scrub in, despite being terrified. I got to really get involved in anesthesia and thrive. The same can and will happen for you.
This is a very special graduation for me. I requested to speak at this graduation because of this particular memory I wanted to share. Since I first attended graduate school, it was my dream to get the opportunity to teach. That opportunity came September, two years ago. At this time we shared and experience and a vision. We were both neophytes, you were new to the field of veterinary technology, and I was new to instruction at Bel-Rea. My memory of my first time teaching here, is not stark words on a white background, but of eager faces, ready to learn and absorb a new profession. My first memory of instruction here is a warm one, it is of you. Congratulations graduates of Summer 2012. My best wishes of success and prosperity go with you.


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