Journal Club Recognition Bel-Rea Graduation September 2016

It is often my privilege to speak at graduation, what I am particularly proud of is when my small band of journal club members graduate and I can give them recognition for their extracurricular efforts to improve themselves.  Below is the class, the graduation announcement and my speech for journal club recognition.  That's me jumping and looking like an idiot on the right.

Many don’t realize the rigor that goes into this program.  It is a lot of hours of study, memorization, and application.  It is this dedication and hard work that makes Bel-Rea graduates stand out in the field. 

Bel-Rea Journal Club applies important skills for an information age, including information literacy and critical thinking.  Imagine the dedication it takes to not only perform in this rigorous program, but to continue and learn more.

Evidence-Based Medicine is a buzzword in the field of medicine and becoming commonplace in the veterinary field.  The students that joined Journal club took on a lot of work to apply these skills.

Jacqueline Graham joined us early on and helped get the ground work for our NAVTA journal article on scrubbing and disinfection.

Rebecca Brown recently joined journal club and helped a great deal in our editorial process.

Samantha Spelts has been in journal club since first quarter and this past quarter was very difficult not having her help and support.

At the end of the day, we published an article in NAVTA (North American Veterinary Technician Association) journal about scrubbing and disinfection guidelines.  I just found out this morning that these guidelines are being introduced at the Veterinary Nursing undergraduate program as an example of evidence based medicine at work in nursing at Harper-Adams College in Shropshire England.  Sam and Rebecca also have had a paper conditionally accepted in the peer-review journal, Veterinary Evidence.


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