Mission Revision

In an effort to keep this blog current, I will not only try to publish original research projects, but incorporate literature in the library and anthropology world.

My Current Research Projects include:

1. John Leland: Antiquarian and Librarian to King Henry VIII in the 16th century. He was commissioned by the king to catalog the manuscripts of any previously catholic institution in the realm. His detailed accounts saved many books from pillage, but also contributed to a contemporary knowledge of Tudor England to be utilized by future historians.

2. The Book Search: As I catalog the collection for the Isobel Crowley Library, I've discovered that there is a very noticeable difference in what can be found on Amazon v. Library of Congress databases. The current working hypotheses are:
1. Amazon is more compliant with ISBN than LOC (Library of Congress)
2. LOC metadata is far more reliable and useful to catalogers than Amazon
3. Ultimately, if you want to find it, use Amazon, if you want to know anything about it, use the data from Amazon to locate it in LOC.

3. Community: As Thanksgiving nears, I would like to recount my experience of making pastelles with my new wife and her sisters and family. Look at the necessity of ritual, even if it is a bit inconvenient, and how the library may make developing a community more convenient.

4. Information Literacy: Recently having joined the Anthropology and Sociology subsection of ACRL, I would like to immerse myself more on social science information literacy pedagogy. It would be nice to explore all the universities in New York to see how they address Information Literacy.

5. Library ethnography revisited. After the buzz of ethnographic research in libraries last winter, I would like to see how these projects have impacted library development. What is the bottom line of this as an applied science?

Thank you for your patience, this post is to reaffirm my commitment to develop a quality blog. I believe, outside of my own research, I will address the other research out there on a weekly basis. Please stay tuned.


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