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The Colonial Sunset Martini

Colonial Sunset Marteani Colonial Sunset Marteani (2018) Erik Fausak I’ve heard there is nothing more annoying than having to scroll through some long-winded story and scroll through more ads to get to a recipe.    I agree.    Prepare yourself and friends this marteani, and allow me to regale you a story while you sit back and imbibe: Ingredients: Rooibos (flavored if you like – I like ginger rooibos) (2 tablespoons/30 g) Honey (to taste – I like 1 tsp/5ml) Your favorite gin  A lime (to garnish) Directions: 1.        Prepare the rooibos (this takes a minimum of about 15 minutes).    I use a Teavana container, put the rooibos in the container and add desired amount of honey (I do 1tsp/5ml).    Boil the water and add.    I usually go one of three directions with this:    a.      Let rooibos steep 10 minutes and add some ice to the container. b.      Let rooibos steep 25 minutes and don’t add ice Rooibos is nice because it doesn’t become too

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